


for Language Learning

by Bob Wilson at autoenglish.org

Connect Energize voice and body Focus Calm

Improv is the most effective method for helping students to build up their speaking skills and for gaining confidence when using a foreign language.
There are just two key rules for doing improv:
1 Listen Don't Think!
  Listen to what the other actor is saying to you. If you are thinking about ideas, you won't hear what they are saying to you. If you listen intently, brilliant ideas will come to you naturally and at lightning speed.
2 The YES, AND... Rule
  Respond to other actors by saying "Yes and...". This way you don't kill the scene by contradicting the other actor. In fact, YES AND... is  the route for making a scene grow and to letting it take you on an adventure into unknown territory.


1-SICHMO (situation, characters and moods) - The universal improv activity.  
1 Sit students in a semi-circle and divide them into teams of 3 or 4.
2 The whole class chooses a situation for Team 1 and gives each member a character (eg a police officer) and a mood (eg worried).
3 Do the same with the rest of the teams, taking ideas from the class.
4 When all teams have their SICHMO, give them 5 minutes to go off into a corner and prepare their scene.
5 Everyone sits back down in the semi-circle and the class enjoys each team's interpretation.
1 Arrange four chairs like a car.
2 Brainstorm typical situations in a car with the parents sat in the front and the kids in the back.
3 Give teams four minutes to prepare their scene.
4 Everyone sits down to watch each group act out a typical scene in a car.
5 Typical scenes include a kid repeating "How far is it now?" or parents arguing.
1 Four students prepare and act out a scene. Give them a few minutes to prepare.
2 The four students act out their scene.
3 A student from  the audience shouts out, "Freeze!" and the actors freeze.
4 This student then must describe what was going on in the scene.
5 If the four actors think this student has got it more or less right, then this student may touch one of the four on the shoulder and take that actor's place in the ensemble.
6 Give the new ensemble (group) a minute to prepare a scene and then the game repeats.
1 In their teams, students have 3 minutes to prepare a reenactment of a recent incident at school. It might be a good idea to change the names!
2 One team acts out their scene.
3 Give teams four minutes to prepare their scene.
4 Allow the other teams to ask questions about what happened.
5 Typical scenes include a kid repeating "How far is it now?" or parents arguing.
1 3 students come the front and sit on chairs placed side by side.
2 Tell them they are sitting at the bus stop and waiting for the bus.
3 Give them a topic of conversation such as the weekend, football etc.
4 When a student wants to stop, they say, "Oh, here's my bus!" This student gets on the bus and is gone.
5 Another volunteer gets off the bus. This is a new character eg a fitness fanatic who wants to talk about health.
6 Allow students to have their own ideas or the class can help them if they can't think of anything.



MADE IN VALENCIA BY BOB WILSON © ROBERT CLIFFORD MCNAIR WILSON 1999 - 2019 autoenglish.org All rights reserved