The characters have colours so we can read aloud together.
- Narrator
- Goldilocks
- Daddy Bear
- Mummy Bear
- Baby Bear

This story is from England. Once upon a time there was a little girl with curly blond hair called Goldilocks. One day, Goldilocks went for a walk in the woods and soon she arrived at a cottage. The front door was open so she went inside. The first room was the kitchen and there were three bowls of porridge on the table. “Mmm, I’m hungry,” said Goldilocks and she tried the first bowl of porridge. “Ow! It’s too hot.” Next she tried the second bowl. “Oh! It’s too cold.” Then she tried the third bowl. “Ah! It’s just right. Yummy, yummy in my tummy.” Goldilocks ate all the porridge in the third bowl.

“Mmm, I want to sit down,” said Goldilocks and she went into the sitting room where there were three chairs. She tried the first chair. “Ow! It’s too hard,” she said. Next she tried the second chair. “Oh! It’s too soft,” she said. Then she tried the third chair. “Ah! It’s just right.” Just as Goldilocks was perfectly comfortable, there was a loud crack and the chair broke. “Oh dear,” she said.
“Mmm, I’m tired,” said Goldilocks and she went upstairs where there were three beds. She tried the first bed. “Ow! It’s too hard,” she said. Next she tried the second bed. “Oh! It’s too soft,” she said. Then she tried the third bed. “Ah! It’s just right,” she said and Goldilocks fell fast asleep.
In this cottage a bear family lived. They were Mummy Bear, Daddy Bear and Baby Bear. When Goldilocks arrived, they were out on a walk in the woods. Now they returned and went into the kitchen. Daddy Bear looked into his bowl of porridge and in a grumpy bear voice said, ”Who’s been eating my breakfast?” Next, Mummy Bear looked into her bowl and said, “Who’s been eating my breakfast?” Then Baby Bear looked into his bowl and in a baby voice said, “My breakfast is all gone!” and immediately started crying.

After that, the three bears went into the sitting room. In a grumpy bear voice, Daddy Bear said, ”Who’s been sitting in my chair?” Next, Mummy Bear said, “Who’s been sitting in my chair?” Then Baby Bear, in a baby voice, said, “My chair is broken!” and immediately started crying.
After that, the three bears went upstairs. In a grumpy bear voice, Daddy Bear said, ”Who’s been sleeping in my bed?” Next, Mummy Bear said, “Who’s been sleeping in my bed?” Then Baby Bear, in a baby voice, said, “Someone is sleeping in my bed!” and immediately started crying.

Suddenly, Goldilocks woke up, saw the three bears and ran down the stairs, through the sitting room, into the kitchen and out the front door. She ran all the way home and never again went for a walk in the woods all by herself.