The South African Idiom Exercise at Auto-English

Circle the word or phrase most similar to the one in italics.

1 People pay ridiculous amounts for tekkies.
A bakkie
B trainers
C dried meat
7 Cheer up, broe. Come on. I'll invite you to a drink.
A doos
B rooinek
C friend
2 Robots are being replaced by roundabouts.
A Traffic lights
B Boerwoers
C Big dippers
8 A: Howzit?
B: Ja well, no fine.
A Sies, man.
B How are you?
C Soutpiel, my friend.
3 I've bought this new computer game and it's really kief.
A boring
B lekker
C excellent
9 A: Sarie's having a braai on Sunday.
B: Is it?
A Really?
B Daniel's goose?
C Sies, man.
4 I had a great time at Koos's jol, man.
A wedding
B braai
C party
10 A: Sipho's passed his driving test.
B: Is it?
A His goose'll be happy.
B Has he?
C Sies, man!
5 Turn left at the second robot.
A set of traffic lights
B boney
C bunney
11 My brother's broes trashed the house completely.
A friends
B Jislaaik
C tsotsis
6 A: The Americans have invaded Iran, hey?
B: Is it?
A Just now?
B Have they? 
C Ja well, no fine.
12 Let's have a jol at the beach this weekend.
A bunny
B game of football
C party
Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 2005